Monday, 5 March 2012

Injury =(

Just when things were going great... BAM!!!! I injure myself whilst training... FFS!!!! arghhhh =( 

X-rays show that I've broken my finger... I'm such a douche!!! Next time I'm not gonna go crazy on the pull up bar xD

Anyway this will set me back for a minimum of 3-4 weeks I reckon, because at the moment I can't move my finger and I've made an appointment with the hospital again next week with a hand specialist?! So that means no weight lifting. Therefore my Chest, Arms, Shoulders and possibly even my back workouts will all have to be put back... Guess I'll have to just nail my Legs, Core and Cardio days then... the workouts I least enjoy doing =.= sigh ah well.

I'm going to try and stay positive, just keep training my hardest regardless of the injury. No pain no gain!!!!


Sunday, 4 March 2012

1 Month...

Random stuff!

Turkey breast and Ham Sub with shit loads of veg no sauce <3 OMNOMNOMNOM

Here is my flatmate, Ben teaching me how to solve the Rubik's cube... Lol he look's confused... haha!!

An evening watching my flatmate Gary and his band mates play at the Hornblower, Newport. You guys were amazing!! Follow them @

Beijing Bandits

Friday, 2 March 2012

This morning I woke up to a pleasant surprise after checking my post...I'm stoked to be going to London!! Tickets has just arrived =) I cannot wait ^^

Also I'm challenging myself to complete this rubik's cube as soon as =P this should be fun xD

Today I did one of my best shoulder workouts in a while. I felt really exhausted afterwards which is always a good sign of hard work and I was made to sweat more than before.

Some PB's:

  • Begun to start lifting 20kg - 8 reps shoulder presses
  • Arnold Presses 14kg although I feel I can push to 16kg by next week - 3 sets 8 reps minimum

Had some pork dumplings with sweet chilli sauce for lunch and my usual Chicken Breasts + Veg for dinner... God it's getting repetitive... =.=

Wednesday, 29 February 2012


  • Early start today again at 7am even though today is my rest day x)! Went to gym to do Abs and a bit of interval training on the treadmill. Was shattered by the afternoon especially after a 3 hour lecture from 10am T.T. 
  • After having a nice lunch of Chicken with Pasta Bolognese it was time to crack on with work again!!

  • Nothing like finishing the night off with a yummy pizza (Cheat Day of the week :D)  whilst watching the England v Holland game and then Fifa with the boys :) I think this was well deserved after an early start and with a good amount of work done =)

  • Tomorrow I'll be working on my shoulders, hopefully aiming to be lifting 20kg shoulder dumbbell presses (3x8)

Sunday, 26 February 2012


Its tough cutting carbs!!!!! I still need to cut and stay lean :( p.s. the lighting can make a big difference!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Look what came through!!!

This bad boy just came through the post today! I've been waiting for this for quite a while now. Bought 5kg worth of it so fingers crossed the money doesn't go to waste! I'll be taking 2 scoopfuls per day (1 post workout and another before I sleep or when I feel hungry) which is about 20-25g each? I'm not 100% sure. 

Hopefully this will give me extra motivation me to reach my goal by June :D

Sunday, 5 February 2012

The Start

Hey guys,

I've created this blog to help myself keep track of my goals to lose weight and keep fit. Hopefully the blog will help motivate myself to reach this target and not to give up! 

My target is to at least have a 6 pack by June / have a lean body by then. Currently I have no packs showing x) so some people may say it's an impossible target but nothing is impossible and I'm just going to give it my best effort anyway :D even if June arrives and I only have a visible 2 pack then I'm still happy x) at least it shows that I am better off than I was 4 months ago.

Here are my current figures:
  • Age: 19
  • Weight: 74.3KG / 163lb / 11 stones 10lb
  • Height: 1.82M / 5'11"6
  • Body Fat: Approximately 14% (not sure how to measure this and the machine which I use at the gym I don't think it's 100% accurate but I'm just going to go along with it)

About myself:
  • Currently in University studying in the UK
  • Gaming (mostly PC games I don't own any consoles)
  • Enjoy watching any type of sport
  • Really want to take up boxing or MMA - hopefully someday x)
  • Loves food :D

I will mainly post my gym workouts / routines on my blog as well as the food which I will be eating. I will try my best to remember to post a picture of myself every week on the blog so that I can watch my progress and hopefully see some gains ^_^.

Hopefully you guys can help me out a bit with gym routines and dieting etc. and hopefully motivate me into reaching my targets :D If you have any questions just give me a message on this blog or at / I will do my best to try and respond =)

Okay so here are a few starting pics off me. I will be posting pictures every week (if i can remember) to compare and see if I have made any progress