DB Chest Presses |
- 10kg dumbbell presses - 2 x 10 (Warm up)
- 24kg flat dumbbell presses - 3 x 10
- 22kg incline dumbbell presses - 3 x 10
- 24kg decline dumbbell presses - 3 x 10
- 16kg incline flys 3 x10
- 16 kg decline flys 3 x 10
- 16 kg flat flys
- 20kg Flat dumbbell over the head raises? 3 x 10 I don't know what it's called but it's basically when you lie flat on the bench with one dumbbell and you bring it over the top of your head.
If I don't think I've done enough at the gym, i.e. I don't feel much pain during the night then I try and do as many press ups as I can before I go to sleep.
Tuesday - Back
Wide Grip Pull Ups |
- Wide Grip pull ups 3 x 8
- Mid Grip pull ups 3 x 8
- Close Grip pull ups 3 x 8
- 45kg High Cable Row 3 x 10
- 45kg Low Cable Row 3 x 10
- 45kg Deadlifts 3 x 10
- 24kg Bent over rows with dumbbell
- To finish off I normally go on the lat machine and do as many reps as I can with 35kg until fail.
Wednesday - Rest Day
I don't normally have a rest day but I'm going to implement two rest days in the week so I'm only working out 5 times a week. Apparently it's important to have rest days because your muscles needs time to repair from the wear and tear which you have been doing at the gym. So if someone was to work out 7 days a week and has no rest days in between, then the muscles will never have the sufficient time to recover, if that makes sense.
Thursday - Arms
Tricep Rope Pull Down |
- 10kg Dumbbells Skull Crushers 3 x 10
- 10kg Side dumbbell Tricep pull thing 3 x 10 (hope that one makes sense, basically you have your elbow right by the side of your body and you bring your arm upwards... keeping your elbow locked in... x) hope it makes sense!)
- 35kg Rope pull down 3 x 10
- 35kg Overhead Rope extensions 3 x 10
- Close grip press ups 3 x 10
- 8kg 7's (21 total, You know what this is) 3 x 21
- 8kg 7's Hammers (21 total, same thing but doing hammers) 3 x 21
- 14lg Bench alternating dumbbell curls 3 x 12
- 15kg Barbell lifts 3 x 10
Friday - Shoulders
- 16kg Shoulder Press 3 x 10
- 12kg-14kg Arnold Presses 3 x 10
- 35kg Barbell Lifts (close grip on barbell and raise it to your chest / chin ) 3 x 10
- 10kg Front Dumbbell Raise 3 x 10
- 6kg Cable Internal Rotations 3 x 10
- 30kg Shrugs 3 x 10
Saturday - Cardio / Legs?
I don't do much cardio, simply because I find them too boring. However if I am forced to do cardio, then I would go on the treadmill and do interval training. 1min Sprint 1 min Jog rinse and repeat for 20mins. I feel that this is more beneficial when it comes to burning more calories than just jogging on the treadmill for half an hour, I may be wrong, but that's my personal preference.
My legs workouts are basically the resistant machines at the gym. I can also implement squats + lunges into the routine, but to be honest I don't work much on my legs even though I know I should.
- As you can see I don't do any ab workout simply because I still have the fat covering the packs. So my plan right now is to eat clean and do intense weight workouts until my body fat % drops down to 11-12%? At that moment I will then start to begin working my abs out.
- I am also considering joining MMA in Cardiff to help with my cardio and overall fitness, so watch this space xD